Sunday, May 20, 2012

Amount of Chemical Element and Procedure to Make Nutrient Solution

To make nutrient solution , required amount of chemical element is given below:

Name of the chemical element            ------------------------------    Amount

Potassium di hydrogen phosphate       ------------------------------    270 g
Potassium nitrate                                ------------------------------    580 g
Nitrocalcite                                        ------------------------------    1000 g
Epsom salt                                         ------------------------------    510 g
EDTA Iron                                         ------------------------------    80 g
Phomic or Monoclinic tetrahydrate      ------------------------------  6.10g
Boric acid                                           -----------------------------   1.80 g
Blue vitriol                                          -----------------------------     0.40g
Ammonium hepta molybdate              ------------------------------    0.38 g
White vitriol                                        -----------------------------    0.44 g

Procedure : Care should be taken to make solution A and solution B. At first stock solution A is prepared. Appropriate amount of Nitrocalcite and EDTA Iron should be dissolved in 10 litres of water and thus stock solution A is prepared . Remaining chemical nutrients should be mixed together in 10 litres of water and thus stock solution B is prepared.To prepare 1000 litres nutrient solution , at first 1000 litre water is taken to a tank. Then 10 litre solution from stock solution A is added to tank water and  mixture is prepared by stirring the solution into water with a non metallic spoon. Then 10 litre solution from stock solution B is taken to the tank and stock solution B should be mixed well with a non metallic spoon.Thus nutrient solution necessary to the plant is prepared.

1 comment:

  1. Where can I find all those chemical elements in bangladesh.
