Sunday, May 20, 2012

Advantages of Hydroponics

*No need of arable land in case of hydroponics makes the production year round or out of season.
*Since it is a soil less cultivation method,so that soil borne and nematode borne diseases are absent.
*Insect attack is less, therefore production of insecticide free fruits and vegetables is possible.
*Hydroponics may potentially produce much higher crop yields and also crop with excellent quality.
*Hydroponics can be used in places wherein ground agriculture or gardening area are not possible.
*Hydroponic gardening also offers a several benefits to our environment.Hydroponic gardening uses considerably less water than soil gardening because of the constant reuse of the nutrient solutions.There is no need to apply Pesticides as a result water pollution does not occur.Since hydroponic systems use no topsoil, so topsoil erosion is not ever an issue.

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